1) Leave your handheld device AT HOME!
2) Notify everyone in advance of your time away versus relying on automatic out of office replies. This way, you can close out some issues, direct them to appropriate persons that may be able to assist them and you'll sleep better at night knowing you will not have an unnecessarily amount of emails and follow ups upon your return.
3) Pick ONE confidante on your team and share your personal email with this person. This is ONLY to be used for CRITICAL issues. This person should be the gatekeeper for all things and will decide if it's worth a communique to you.
4) Take the first day or two of vacation to do absolutely NOTHING! This includes catching up on sleep, lounging around, vegging out, sun bathing, etc. This way, after day 2, you'll be rejuvenated and refreshed and will want to tackle the remainder of your vacation like a Vacation Champ.
5) If number 1 above, is not possible,....create boundaries, i.e. restricted times during the day you will check email or respond to voicemail, etc.
These Ladies Have "IT"
Amy, Chanda, Faye and Lori