How do you spend your time while on the road traveling for work?
This week, I had a simple one hour flight across the Midwest but it was the most productive hour I have had in a long time. I used the time to reflect. Have you ever done this? It's amazing! Technology can't interrupt you like it does at the office or at home. No phone ringing, no emails that need to be dealt with, no guests dropping by. Quiet time. While it was just an hour, it was full hour with NO interruptions. It was time for ME! I reflected on what changes I have made in my approach to my job/life over the past twelve months. Once I actually put it down on paper, I felt a sense of accomplishment.
Items that made my list:
- I began to ask for what I wanted or needed directly in order to help achieve my career/life goals.
- I opened up to my manager about guilt I was feeling.
- I learned the powerful lesson on saying NO versus feeling bad about letting others down.
- I found ways to delegate tasks to grow my staff.
- I became more organized with certain tasks that created greater efficiencies in my job.
- I began to play more of the role of listener versus always providing an answer.
- I identified advocates within my organization and approached them about serving as my advocate and outlined what I needed from them.
- I identified others in my organization I needed to get to know.
- I stopped logging hours after I left the office during the week. Which in turn led me to be more present when at work/home.
- I am more comfortable operating in stressful situations.
- I started sleeping more soundly when I moved my work "crackberry" off my night stand and into an alternative room, allowing me to be more present when at home.
It feels good to be able to say I have been working on ME for the past 12 months. Days, months, years go by and very rarely do I sit back to look at what has happened to feel that true sense of accomplishment. I don't believe I am alone when I say it takes commitment to yourself to find the time in this busy world surrounded by technology that allows you to be accessible 24/7 to find time for YOU! Next time you are traveling don't use the time to prepare for your next meeting but instead reflect on YOU and all that you have accomplished!