Friday, February 15, 2013

Day #5 of 40 Random Acts of Kindness before I turned 40: To Make a Difference and Live a Life of Significance

Thanks for joining me for Day #5 of 40 Random Acts of Kindness:

I was encouraged along the way by the stories of paid-off Christmas layaways for strangers and a Starbucks where for three hours, each and every person paid for the person behind them in the drive through line.  (Talk about contagious kindness!) This was such an incredible retail challenge for the cashiers that Starbucks now has developed a procedure to handle these random acts of kindness.  What a wonderful problem to have and have to countermeasure! I also absolutely love the Liberty Mutual commercials.  These are the ones where people choose to help strangers.  I have attached a link to one of my favorites. This is the essence of random acts of kindness.  They do not have to be elaborate or expensive.  They only have to be meaningful.  Facebook even has a page for Random Acts of Kindness. 
Once you began these acts of kindness intentionally, these stories are everywhere.  I remember when I was pregnant with my daughter; I had never seen so many pregnant women in all my life.  I think that this has a similar effect.  If you only see the negative or the bad news, negative is what permeates.   When you begin to focus on the positives, encouragement is everywhere.   It will make you look at the world and the people in it in an entirely different way. 
Some great stories that inspired me
I love that companies now recognize that this emotional connection is so important.  Connecting with people and the “why” is just as critical as the “what” or “how” they do what they do.  This connection is important for their customers and for their employees.  We must look deeper and do more as leaders to connect with people.  This is the “Why” that Simon Sinek speaks to in his TEDtalks and his book Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek.  When we connect with people on a different level, we can truly inspire and make a difference.  This is significant and this is significance.
Well, I met my goal of forty random acts of kindness before I turned forty.  I was intentional and had a lot of help from my friends and family with ideas.  Some even encouraged me by doing random acts along with me.  I found that kindness is contagious and so very easy.  I loved the excitement and interest in this challenge.  It was a feeling I had never previously known.  I did feel significant.  I loved the looks on people’s faces.  I also loved knowing that some of the recipients of my acts I would never even meet or know.  The best part or biggest reward of this entire experience has not been how much I gave or did but by the feeling I got by doing this.  I received so much more than I gave.  The conversations it started gave me real joy.  And the “pay it forward” opportunities were exponential.  I had so many of the recipients tell me that they were going to do something for someone else.  I was intentional and I wanted to have significance.  When I turned forty, I intentionally embraced it and it was far more significant that I could have dreamed!  When my birthday finally came, I was surrounded by family and friends and felt loved and blessed.  I met my goal.  My priorities were clear and I was aware and intentional.  I conquered it by aligning my values and goals with my actions.  Also, I did not stop at forty.  I cannot bring myself to delete the app with my notes for (RAK).  I am now currently up to 54 and counting.  I also certainly do not feel as though I have reached the summit of the “hill”.  I am still climbing.  But I will admit that I prefer the view from up this high.  It is so much clearer. 
So what now? The quote I included at the top is, “Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has” by Margaret Mead.  This quote is relevant as it is true.   If you commit with intention and follow through, anything is possible.  I challenge you to do the same.   Random Acts of Kindness week is officially February 11-17, 2013. You can do them anytime not just this week.  But once you start, I warn you that it is difficult to stop.  I encourage you to participate.  Be kind and look for opportunities to help people, even strangers.  The reward is worth the effort, I promise.  Faith in humanity is restored.  
 “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.”  Dr. Seuss

~Christy Brasher, guest blogger

1 comment:

  1. Christy is a great Lady and inspiration to alot more peole than she will ever realize......
