The word eustress consists of 2 parts. The prefix eu- Greek derived means either “well” or “good”. When attached to the word stress, it literally means “good stress”.
Eustress is the positive cognitive response to stress that is healthy or gives one a feeling of fulfillment or other positive feelings.
In the workplace, stress can often be interpreted as a challenge, which generally denotes positive stress.
Eustress is actually very important to have in our lives, It keeps us healthy and happy. Feeling depressed or lack of meaning in life occurs without it.
Eustress allows us to look at stressors in our lives as ‘challenges’ versus ‘threats’ and have the extra energy required to handle these stressors.
The difference between the people who get overwhelmed by stressors and those who feel inspired by challenges is a factor called resilience. Being resilient, allows us to handle complex situations, get a boost of confidence and handle unexpected difficulties. As a matter of fact, this year’s Best Companies are finding ways to boost employee resilience.
As we are aware, if people find meaning and purpose in what they are doing, they can excel through challenges.
So remember to have down time and live a full life. The next time you feel “stressed out”, could it be eustress?
All the Best,